Monday, July 28, 2008

Chris for President?

Who'd of thunk I might be First Lady one day. Check out his campaign:

In other news, Katie is officially potty trained! That's a relief, and an extra $50 bucks in our pockets each month. Hooray for Katie!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My worst nightmare.

Around 2am last night, I woke up in a cold sweat with my heart pounding out of my chest. That had to be one of the worst nightmares I've ever had. Here's how it went down..

I guess the whole fam was getting in the van to go somewhere. We were all in and ready except for Katie. She was dragging her feet and getting distracted by toys walking out of the garage to the van. Chris, being his usual self, decided to tease her a bit by acting like we were going to leave without her. I decided to hop out of the van to go grab her and put her in the van. When I got out, I didn't see her anywhere. I guess Chris assumed she was still playing so he continued to back up like he was leaving us. Next thing I know I hear her screaming. I look down and see her underneath the van. Before I had time to react, I watched the front tire roll over her entire body. When the van came to a stop, her torso was completely separated from her lower half. As I was running to her, I was jolted out of my sleep.

Needless to say, it shook me up pretty good and it took me quite a while to fall back to sleep. I have no idea what prompted that, but I'm certainly thankful it was only a dream!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Intersting days.

Bill Gates officially retired from Microsoft this week. That's a pretty major event - if it had not been for that man, chances are I would not be sitting here writing this blog on my laptop and you probably wouldn't be reading it. And while I have the upmost respect for that man, it's probably a good thing he is retiring. There is no doubt that Microsoft still dominates the market, but it's obvious that the market is shifting. Have you walked into an Apple store lately? There's hardly breathing room. Apple, Mozilla, Google, etc, all making products that are increasingly infringing on Microsoft's space. Why? Because they're better, faster, cheaper (free in a lot of cases). Microsoft needs to make some serious changes soon or else.

Starbucks announced this week they would be closing 300 stores. Who would have ever thought we'd be hearing that announcement!

Two words: Google StreetView. If you haven't seen it yet, you're missing out! Chances are, a street level view of your house with your parked car in the driveway is on there.

Gen Y/Millenials - people born from 1980 - 1996. These are the kids who are going to completely change the way we do work in America. Very intriguing. Even though I'm Gen X, I think there is a lot that's true about our generation in this group as well. No more 9-5 work like we know it. There is a great editorial on this at:

Rock groups replacing lead singers from internet videos? Who'd of thunk. This year alone, the legendary rock group Boston replaced their lead singer when they stumbled across a Home Depot manager's MySpace page. Journey did a similar thing finding their new lead singer on YouTube.

Sacred Marriage - a great book that Chris and I are reading right now. This doesn't have much to do with current events except that it's probably a portrait of marriage that is becoming increasingly hard to find in our day and age.

And these are just a few things that have been topics of discussion in the Andrews' household as of late. :)