Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Whew, that's a relief!

So, Micah went for his first "real" dentist appointment a few weeks ago and my little buddy had two cavities on his back molars. Ugh. And to make matters worse, the dentist wanted to put Micah to sleep to fill them! As a parent, you want to make the best decisions for your kids. And it doesn't help that I like to make informed decisions. Putting my kid to sleep and paying around $1200 out of pocket seemed like a big deal to me, so I had a lot of questions. I could tell the dentist was a little perturbed by all my inquiries. The dentist felt that because of Micah's age, this would be the only way to get him to sit still long enough to fill them. In his words, "I've done this a long time and I don't think Micah will be able to do this. You might ruin his perception of dentistry for life and he will never want to come back." Naturally, I came home feeling beat down and began doing a lot of reading and talking to other parents about what their experience has been with pediatric dentistry.

Enter Dr. Love. A friend from church, Bill Love is a a pediatric dentist who's been in practice for a long time. I didn't initially take Micah and Katie there because he isn't in network with our insurance. But, Chris urged me to talk to him anyway. We had a consultation there yesterday and all I can say is Bill is my hero! Micah did great - he sat calmly in the chair and let Dr. Love look in his mouth. After a few minutes of poking around in his mouth, Bill says - hey, Micah is doing awesome. How about we just go ahead and fill them while you're here? We can just use a little nitrous oxide and he'll be done in about 10 minutes. By the time I picked my mouth up off the ground, Micah was done! All those weeks of agonizing over this decision and just like that, it's over. Needless to say, I think we've found our new dentist for the next 18 years!


YEA - a milestone! I posted a few months back that I was 145 lbs and that I had a goal to lose 15 pounds. But, I hit my brick wall a while ago at 140. No matter what I did, I couldn't get below 140. That was somewhat expected - as long as I'm nursing, it's usually hard to get below a certain point because my body needs the extra calories to feed the baby. But, I finally broke the barrier. I was 139.6 today! It's been over 4 years since I've seen anything below 140 on the screen. I just had to share my excitement. Only 9.6 pounds to go! Amazing what not eating out and exercising can do for you. :)

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