One of the common signs of the end of a pregnancy for many women is the "nesting" urge. Probably much to the disappointment of Chris, I haven't really had this urge with either of my two kids. I've just had my typical responses to any upcoming event of just feeling like I need to get a lot of different things done. Chris has grown accustomed to my "project list before the baby comes" that I give him during the first 8 weeks of pregnancy. But, those are mostly things for him to do, not me. :)
I think this time might be different, though. I'm not sure what to make of it yet, but I've begun feeling a little overwhelmed with a spring cleaning urge. Last week, I found myself on my hands and knees cleaning the kitchen floor, bleaching the toilets, washing cloths that weren't even dirty, wiping down walls, sorting all of the kids clothing, cleaning out the filing cabinet and shredding papers. ..and that was just in one day. Today I have been searching the entire house for any possible thing we can throw away and was caught on camera by Chris doing touch up painting on the ceiling in our living room.
So, is this nesting? The problem is that I still have 9 weeks left! I'm going to be exhausted if I keep this up for 62 more days. Or, maybe I'm just being affected by this episode of Oprah Chris recorded last week on the topic of hoarding. I'm not an Oprah fan at all (in fact, I'm anything but a fan -- I usually hate that show), but I do have to admit.. if watching that episode doesn't make you want to clean your house and throw a bunch of stuff a way, nothing will.
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