Wednesday, November 28, 2007


The end of this pregnancy has definitely been more uncomfortable and exhausting than my other two. It could have something to do with having to chase two kids while being pregnant. Just a guess. For me, weeks 15-30 are generally great. I feel great, have energy, don't feel sick, I'm not sore, etc. But, I think if I felt that way the whole time though, I'd neer want to give birth! So, in a wierd sort of way, I'm thankful I feel this crummy. It just means the time is drawing near. My denial is ending - I'm feeling more ready to accept the inevitable labor and birth process ahead. And more importantly, I'm looking forward to meeting the newest addition to our family.

I heard some great news yesterday - one of my best friends from childhood is expecting her first child! I'm thrilled to death for her and I know she will be an awesome mom. When she told me, it dawned on me that we have known each other for almost 25 years. And even though I have 3 kids already, it just doesn't seem like we're possibly old enough to be having kids of our own. From the day we met in kindergarten, I still have tons of memories of the experiences we shared together. Like standing at the end of her dock in the freezing cold to pour Magic Shell chocolate in our mouths and let it solidify, spying on the boy next door to her house, our rollerblading club, playing soccer together for 10 +/- years, and the list goes on. It just doesn't seem like it was that long ago. I guess we're growing up. :)

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