Thursday, December 27, 2007


Talk about a whirlwind week!

We got to spend some great time with family and friends for Christmas. Chris' brother came to town for the whole week, our friends Jerel and Heather (and their 3 kids) came to stay with us for a few days, we got to visit with our good friend Josh for most of the day Monday, and I got to see my two childhood best buds, Steph and Monica, on Wednesday afternoon. We also had the honor of hosting Christmas Eve dinner for my family at our house for the first time. It was a lot of fun! As tradition has it, we spent most of Christmas day at Chris' parents house with 20+ people coming and going throughout the day. I heard it was a lot of fun -- I missed a good chunk of it because I spent most of the day sleeping! I was so exhausted from the weekend and Christmas Eve that I ended up taking 2 different 2 hour naps throughout the course of the day. I think I forget I'm 8 months pregnant sometimes.

Micah and Katie had a blast. Particularly, Micah. He hasn't quit talking about how Santa brought him a Monster Truck for Christmas. Although, I think his favorite present is the cash register. He has rung up every thing in the entire house. Katie seemed to enjoy eating more than the gifts. She ate soooo much food throughout the course of the week.

The busy week isn't over yet, either. Tonight we are preparing for Chris and Micah to go camping tomorrow. Chris and his brother are being brave enough to take Micah and Logan (Micah's cousin) camping for the first time. Let's just say, I'm glad it's them and not me! We also have 3 birthday's to celebrate this weekend - Chris' mom, his neice, and his sister.

Meanwhile, I'm now almost 37 weeks pregnant. I'm bracing for the inevitable, but I'm mostly just trying to enjoy these last few weeks as much as possible.

Oh, and for those who are interested.. I finally got that Media Center PC working. I have no idea how, but it's been running stable and working like a champ for almost a week now. For those of you who haven't made the switch to Vista yet, the best advice I can give is - wait! Hopefully things will be better with their first Service Pack release.

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