Yea! Little Amy Jo is finally here. 6 days over due, but well worth the wait!

Saturday was like any other day for us. I still wasn't feeling anything prelabor like, so we went about our day as if nothing was going to happen. We did some work around the house, ran some errands, etc. We decided to go to Genghis Khan (Mongolian BBQ) one more time for dinner. It was the last meal I ate before Katie was born, so we secretly hoped it might do the trick for Amy as well. I was sure to make it plenty spicy. :) Still nothing. So, we went to bed around 9pm (yeah, we're old foggies). About 10, I woke up feeling some achiness in my back but rolled over thinking I was just uncomfortable. By 11, I couldn't sleep anymore. I still wasn't sure it was the real thing because it didn't feel like typical contractions at all. It was all in my back. I tried to wake Chris up, but he didn't seem interested in waking up until he heard me get in the shower. I guess that's been his warning sign with each birth. I figured taking a shower would make it stop if it wasn't the real thing. Chris quickly got up, scrambled to call everyone, get everything set up... and then the story kind of gets blurry for me from there because everything happened so fast.

By the time everyone got here and Sharon checked me, I was 9 1/2 cm. At 1:49am on January 27, little Amy entered the world. 9lbs 8oz. In attendence was Chris (of course!), my Mom, Chris' Mom, my sister Cathy, Sharon, Hope, and Irene. I also found out the next morning that Chris' dad was in attendence as well. He was asleep in our guest room just in case he needed to take the kids. He had no idea the baby was even born when he woke up the next morning.
The first few days have been better than anticpated as well. The kids have done great with her. Katie is so proud to tell everyone that it's her little sister. She wants to be right next to me when I feed her and is the first one there if the baby cries. Oh, and even better.. I might just have my wish of having a kid with blue eyes. It's still a little early to say for certain, but they're looking more blue by the day.
Praise God for yet another amazing blessing in our lives!
1 comment:
What wonder news! May God bless you with many more to come!!
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