Thursday, January 24, 2008

Eviction notice served.

The eviction notice has been served, but apparently the baby didn't read it. I'm a few days overdue now. Not a huge deal, but not quite what I had expected.

My sister Wendy came up to be here for the birth. When we planned her visit, we figured being here Sunday - Thursday would be plenty of time to be here for the birth and some time with the baby. But, here it Thursday and she is on her way to the airport to head back home. She tried to be here for Micah's birth as well a few years back, but he waited until shortly after she left to make his debut. I feel bad because I know it was tough for her to be here. She has not been away from her son for that long ever and she has a lot of stuff going on with the school they run back in Naples. It was great to spend time with her though. We did a lot of catching up, she taught me quite a few cleaning tricks (she is the queen of clean), she successfully bruised my legs trying to use accupressure to get labor to start, and she and Chris enjoyed trying to make me wet my pants several times by making me laugh too much. A full term pregnant woman, a cramped bladder, and laughter aren't always a good combination. Good times! Hopefully she enjoyed her visit as much as we did.

Sooo... now I go back to waiting. Hopefully the next post I have will have news of the baby!

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